Trading Post for Items (not services)

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Trading Post for Items (not services)

NorthVanIsle Artist Collective
This post was updated on .
Do you have goods; crafts, art, preserves, tinctures, salves etc. for trade?  Post them here!

Laws are currently in place to ban access to a lot of natural medicines.  Many of our friends are herbalist, support them directly, save the expense of tax for both of you, and keep this medicine in the hands of the people not the government.

These little lifestyle changes add up overtime in your bank account but also in your body.  In the near future you may not have the choice so starting practicing these measures now.  

Support people who can source medicine from their backyards, the forest and the sea.

Your body will also thank you for it.  As our legislations around food, hygiene products, cosmetics and household products becomes far too loose the result is toxic products in our home. The only safe way to know what is in something now is if you make it yourself or know the person who did.

This NVI Artist Collective site will act as a Trading Post where people can buy directly from the artist/ maker (with a percentage fee going to the collective) with the guarantee that we are using products that are are making ourselves (like the Hutterites but less weird lol)  Non of the natural health products will be able to be sold online/ to the general public without proper licensing so these items would be available to the internal community for now and can be posted into this thread.