Next Steps

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Next Steps

NorthVanIsle Artist Collective
Once you have had sometime to perused through the website, this forum and do you own research into a Intentional Communities we would like to get the group of interested people together for a brainstorming session to see where we all sit on key issues, choose a form of decision making, form a vision/ mission statement and then begin the next steps of choosing land and the structure of the community.

Currently Camp Edaus (the boarding school) is available but not listed.  We are getting more info about each individual building and a potential issue with it.  The group can analyze that information together once we get it and decided if we want to go for a tour.  

After that the process would involve building inspection, structural engineer inspection and could potentially be a 6 month process.  During that time we would be solidifying our structure, registering it and applying for funding.