How do you start an Intentional Community?

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How do you start an Intentional Community?

NorthVanIsle Artist Collective
There is a $100 course available through the Foundation of Intentional Communities that covers a lot of these questions.  If this is something you are serious about we highly recommend taking this course.  

For those who can't afford it much of the course material will be listed in the comments below.

Module topics in the Starting a Community course include:

1st Module: Overview
2nd Module: Founders
3rd Module: Visioning
4th Module: Cooperative Culture
5th Module: Diversity, Justice, and Inclusion
6th Module: Deciding on Decision Making
7th Module: Conflict
8th Module: Membership Structures
9th Module: Recruitment
10th Module: Legal Structures
11th Module: Economic Systems
12th Module: Business Planning as a Community
13th Module: Property Search
14th Module: Community Design Elements
15th Module: Wrap Up and Next Steps

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Re: How do you start an Intentional Community?

Jess Rawsthorne
Here is a collection of information from the "Start an Intentional Community" Course.  There are a couple of great surveys in here as well as in-depth information on all sorts of topics from memberships to land acquisition.  (These docs are from a paid course so just use them for your own personal use as they are copyrighted).

The exercises within these documents help you figure out what type of intentional community is right for you and gives perspective on the various different options for structures for decision making, economics, conflict resolution, memberships, etc.)
